Birth date: 5/29/19
Mikey is a spunky prodigy who is anxious to claim her rightful place at our kennel. She loves belly-rubs but isn't afraid to "mix it up" with her gang.
Birth date: 5/3/16
Sadie is a people-pleaser and loves to play with everyone! She is a hard-worker and makes a great contribution to the farm every day. She is the proud mommie of our first litter.
Birth date: 10/15/18
Brutus is a lovable brute! He is the newest edition of our Border Collie program and comes from fabulous lines! He has a great drive about him and is always eager to learn from us and Sadie.
May 2019 Litter
Birth date: 5/29/19
We were blessed with a litter of wonderful collies. Six were black and whites and two were brown and whites. A special thanks goes out to the people who purchased a pup and gave it a lovely home!
July 2020 Litter
Email for more info about this litter! Pictures will be up soon!